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CPA753  Managing People UITM Assignment Answer Malaysia

The CPA753 Managing People course at UITM in Malaysia focuses on developing the skills and knowledge necessary to understand and implement effective human resource management within an organization. The CPA753 Managing People course covers theories related to human needs and behavior, as well as the study of organizational behavior, the management of people, and the impact of the external environment on organizations. Students will also explore the roles of individuals within groups and organizations. The  CPA753 course is delivered through a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, tutorials, group discussions, case studies, and presentations. Assessment is based on both a final examination and coursework.

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Assignment Brief 1: Assess principles and strategies of managing people and the implications of individual behaviour on teams, projects and organisations.

Managing people in organizations involves applying various principles and strategies to ensure effective team and project management. Some key principles include:

  • Clear Communication: Effective communication is essential to convey goals, expectations, and feedback. It helps in minimizing misunderstandings and promotes a positive work environment.
  • Leadership: Strong leadership provides guidance, direction, and support to individuals and teams. It involves inspiring and motivating employees, setting a vision, and making informed decisions.
  • Empowerment: Empowering individuals by delegating authority and decision-making responsibilities increases their engagement, ownership, and accountability. This fosters a sense of autonomy and encourages personal and professional growth.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork: Encouraging collaboration and fostering a teamwork-oriented culture facilitates knowledge sharing, creativity, and problem-solving. It enhances productivity and drives innovation within teams and projects.
  • Performance Management: Implementing effective performance management systems, including regular feedback, goal setting, and performance evaluations, helps align individual efforts with organizational objectives. It enables recognition of achievements and identifies areas for improvement.

Individual behavior within teams and projects can significantly impact their success. Positive individual behavior, such as being proactive, reliable, and cooperative, contributes to a harmonious work environment and enhances team performance. On the other hand, negative behavior, like resistance to change, lack of accountability, or conflicts, can disrupt teamwork, hamper productivity, and create a negative organizational culture.

Organizations must address individual behavior through strategies such as:

  • Training and Development: Providing training programs and development opportunities helps individuals acquire new skills, improve performance, and adapt to changing work dynamics. It promotes positive behavior by increasing competence and confidence.
  • Conflict Resolution: Implementing effective conflict resolution mechanisms, such as mediation or negotiation, can help address conflicts within teams promptly. It fosters open communication, encourages understanding, and resolves issues constructively.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing and rewarding individuals for their contributions and achievements promotes positive behavior. It boosts morale, motivates employees, and reinforces desired behaviors within teams and projects.
  • Performance Improvement Plans: In cases of persistent negative behavior or underperformance, organizations may develop performance improvement plans. These plans outline specific goals and actions to help individuals overcome challenges and align their behavior with organizational expectations.

By applying these principles and strategies, organizations can effectively manage people, mitigate the impact of negative behavior, and create a conducive environment for teamwork, project success, and organizational growth.

Assignment Brief 2: Demonstrate the relationship between individuals and teams; and the implications of this to team and project performance.

The relationship between individuals and teams is crucial for team and project performance. Individuals contribute to teams through their skills, knowledge, and unique perspectives. The interactions and dynamics within teams can significantly impact their overall performance and success of projects. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Synergy: When individuals collaborate effectively, leveraging their diverse skills and experiences, they create synergy within teams. Synergy occurs when the combined efforts of team members result in outcomes that exceed what could have been achieved individually. This synergy enhances team performance and project outcomes.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Each individual within a team has specific roles and responsibilities. When individuals understand and fulfill their roles effectively, it leads to improved coordination, task allocation, and overall productivity. Clear role clarity avoids duplication of efforts and ensures efficient utilization of resources.
  • Communication: Effective communication is vital for individuals to share information, ideas, and feedback within teams. Open and transparent communication enhances collaboration, minimizes misunderstandings, and promotes a positive team environment. It facilitates the smooth flow of information and coordination, leading to better team and project performance.
  • Trust and Cohesion: Trust and cohesion are critical for successful teamwork. When individuals trust and respect each other, they are more likely to collaborate, share knowledge, and support one another. High levels of trust and cohesion foster a positive team climate, encourage risk-taking, and contribute to better project outcomes.
  • Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are inevitable in teams, but how they are managed can significantly impact performance. Constructive conflict resolution techniques, such as active listening, negotiation, and compromise, can lead to better decision-making and innovation. Resolving conflicts promptly and effectively minimizes disruptions and ensures the team remains focused on project goals.
  • Motivation and Engagement: Individual motivation and engagement within teams are vital for sustained performance. When individuals feel valued, involved, and motivated, they are more likely to contribute their best efforts to achieve team and project objectives. Recognizing and rewarding individual and team achievements can further enhance motivation and engagement levels.

The relationship between individuals and teams directly influences team dynamics, collaboration, and project outcomes. By fostering a positive and supportive team environment, organizations can maximize the potential of individuals, harness their collective strengths, and drive high-performance teams

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Assignment Brief 3: Display understanding of the importance of communication, leadership, delegations and motivation in projects and organisational settings.


Clear and effective communication is vital in projects and organizations. It ensures that goals, expectations, and information are conveyed accurately. Effective communication promotes understanding, minimizes errors and conflicts, and facilitates collaboration among team members. It also enables stakeholders to stay informed and aligned with project progress, fostering transparency and trust.


Leadership provides direction, guidance, and inspiration to individuals and teams. Effective leaders set a clear vision, align teams with organizational objectives, and motivate them to achieve goals. They facilitate decision-making, resolve conflicts, and create a positive work environment. Strong leadership fosters employee engagement, encourages innovation, and drives project and organizational success.


Delegation involves assigning authority, responsibility, and tasks to individuals or teams. Effective delegation improves efficiency by leveraging the skills and capabilities of team members. It empowers individuals, promotes accountability, and allows leaders to focus on strategic tasks. Delegation also fosters skill development, increases team members’ confidence, and encourages autonomy within the project or organizational context.


 Motivation is crucial for driving performance and achieving desired outcomes. Motivated individuals are more engaged, committed, and productive. Effective motivation techniques include recognizing and rewarding achievements, providing opportunities for growth and development, offering meaningful work, and fostering a positive work environment. Motivated teams and individuals are more likely to overcome challenges, persevere, and achieve project or organizational goals.

In projects and organizational settings, communication ensures that information flows smoothly, goals are understood, and collaboration is facilitated. Leadership provides guidance, support, and vision to inspire and guide teams toward success. Delegation optimizes resource utilization and empowers individuals to contribute effectively. Motivation sustains enthusiasm, commitment, and high performance, enabling teams to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.

Assignment Brief 4:Propose methods of motivating oneself and other employees in organisations or the workplace.

Motivation is essential for individuals and employees to maintain enthusiasm, productivity, and achieve their goals in the workplace. Here are some methods to motivate oneself and other employees:

  • Goal Setting: Set clear, specific, and achievable goals that are aligned with personal and organizational objectives. Break larger goals into smaller milestones, which provide a sense of progress and accomplishment. Regularly review and adjust goals as needed.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge and appreciate individual and team achievements. Recognize employees’ efforts and contributions through verbal praise, certificates, or public acknowledgment. Provide tangible rewards such as bonuses, promotions, or additional responsibilities to demonstrate appreciation.
  • Skill Development: Offer opportunities for employees to develop new skills and enhance their competencies. Provide training programs, workshops, or access to educational resources. Supporting professional growth not only motivates individuals but also equips them with valuable skills to contribute to the organization.
  • Employee Engagement: Foster a positive work environment that encourages open communication, collaboration, and involvement. Seek employees’ opinions, involve them in decision-making processes, and value their ideas and suggestions. Engage employees through team-building activities, social events, or cross-functional projects.
  • Work-Life Balance: Promote a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours. Encourage employees to take breaks, vacations, and prioritize their well-being. Demonstrating care for employees’ personal lives fosters loyalty and motivation.
  • Challenging Assignments: Provide employees with challenging and meaningful tasks that align with their skills and interests. Assign projects that allow for creativity, problem-solving, and professional growth. Challenging assignments inspire individuals to push their limits and achieve personal and professional excellence.
  • Regular Feedback and Coaching: Provide constructive feedback on performance and offer guidance for improvement. Schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, address concerns, and provide support. Coach employees to enhance their skills, overcome obstacles, and reach their full potential.
  • Transparent Communication: Foster transparent communication by sharing organizational updates, goals, and strategies. Keep employees informed about relevant changes, initiatives, and progress. Transparency builds trust, helps employees understand the larger picture, and keeps them motivated.

Remember, motivation strategies may vary based on individual preferences and organizational culture. It is crucial to understand employees’ needs, preferences, and aspirations to tailor motivational approaches effectively.

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