Educational Statistic Assignment, UMT, Malaysia Generate a frequency count and histogram with a normal distribution curve for Pretest science scores
University | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) |
Subject | Educational Statistic |
HMEF5113 Dataset for Assignments 1 and 2 January 2023. sav was extracted from an experimental research study to determine the effectiveness of the teaching of Science among Form 1 students using Learning Sites via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Students in the experimental group learned via VLE, while those in the control group learned under the conventional “chalk and talk” method. The study involved 250 students from two schools in Gombak, Selangor.
- Generate a frequency count and histogram with a normal distribution curve for Pretest science scores. Describe the frequency count and normal distribution curve.
- Generate a frequency count and bar chart to show the distribution of Family Income classification. Describe the frequency distribution output.
- What is random sampling? Using the HMEF5113 Dataset for Assignments 1 & 2 January 2023.sav, create a random sample comprising 100 cases from the 250 students participating in this experimental research. Using this random sample of 100 cases, run the frequency procedure to show the distribution by Gender.
- Using the Posttest variable, create an ordinal-type variable with the following categories: (i) 20 marks and below, (ii) 21 to 40 marks, (iii) 41 to 60 marks, (iv) 61 to 80 marks, and (v) 81 marks and above. Show a frequency distribution table of the newly created ordinal-type Posttest category variable. Describe the frequency distribution table.
- Using the Pretest variable of students who participated in the experimental study, compute the following measures of central tendency:
(i) Mean,
(ii) Median, and
(iii) Mode and the measures of a dispersion comprising (i) Range, (ii) Variance, and
(iv) Standard deviation. Describe the output for measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. - Run a cross-tabulation between the Gender variable and the Posttest Category variable (new variable created under section d. above). Describe the cross-tabulation findings.
- Run an exploratory data analysis of the Pretest and Posttest variables. Describe the exploratory data analysis output.
- Describe how you would address missing values in a dataset when respondents failed to complete their responses.
- Discuss the differences between parametric statistics and non-parametric statistics.
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